Q.1 What is GIFMIS Revenue Reference Number?
Ans:- It is a 10 digit number generated from Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) which helps government to identify, interpret, classify, and account for all revenues received by Government.
Q.2 Where can I get the GIFMIS Revenue Reference Number?
Ans:- From the Government organization being paid. The organization should make the reference number available on their website, notice board, invoice or booking ticket in case of fines, etc.
Q.3 Can a revenue payer generate GIFMIS Revenue Reference by himself?
Ans:- No. For proper accountability GIFMIS Revenue Reference Numbers can only be generated by an authorized officer of the respective government organization.
Q.4 Why should GIFMIS Revenue Reference Number be used while paying revenue?
Ans: For timely, accurate, and full accountability of government revenue.
Q.5 Where do I use GIFMIS reference number?
Ans:- In the banking application when making payment.
Q. 6 Does GIFMIS charge for revenue processing?
Ans:- No.