In today’s fast-paced changing environment, it is crucial for organizations to be flexible enough to change, in order to remain profitable and up-to-speed. Change management has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars; how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change process
Change happens whether we want it to or not. Some people welcome change and find ways to turn the unexpected into an opportunity for growth. Others become frightened and simply react. How we handle the inevitable changes in life is key to living a life without fear. The right attitude can mean the difference between allowing unexpected life changes to keep us from achieving our goals or dealing with the changes and growing because of them. And what can employees do to get through it?
Make yourself aware that change happens: it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional life. You cannot live in the past, so denying that change could occur only makes things more complicated.
GIFMIS project is a major change effort by the Federal government in its efforts to tackle the deep-seated risks to macroeconomic and fiscal stability and to address key sources of economic inefficiency. It is a change that is based on two powerful foundation assumptions: high involvement and a systemic approach to improvement. High involvement means engaging the people in changing their own system.It is systemic because there is a conscious choice to include the people, functions and ideas that can affect or be affected by the GIFMIS process .Whole system change methods help you initiate high-leverage, sustainable improvements in governance and organizations. “High-leverage” is emphasized because in any improvement effort, we want the highest possible value for the effort invested. We believe that involving people in a systematic way is a key to high leverage and that the methods adopted in GIFMIS process helps to providing the know-how and empower people in the doing.
It is so because if one explores amazing transformations around the world; one will find examples of innovation, involvement, participation, resilience, and abundant energy driven by people committed to seeing a batter system in their environment.
Change is tough for organizations, and helping people navigate through change takes a special kind of person. There are of course leaders that need to champion and sponsor change. But there are also people that need to actually manage the change and help people in the organization work through the transition. In the case of GIFMIS, besides the sponsors, the Project managers, the consultants, it is also the users’ special responsibility to champion this noble cause. It is our business, it is our responsibility and it is our duty for our customers, our Nation and the children yet unborn.
There is a lot of hard work involved in helping people in an organization change with the way they work. We will discuss this in characteristics of great change managers in our next article.
Meanwhile, think about how GIFMIS can and should work; not how it cannot work.